Hey mums, I thought i'd mix it up a bit and rather than talk about the usual fitness side of things, open it up and discuss the importance of exercise for your psyche and searching for a group of like-minded mums to exercise with.
Lets start with the exercise part. Exercise helps to naturally improve your mental state. The release of endorphins improves your happiness, confidence and focus. As you get stronger and fitter, you have more energy. You sleep better. As your body starts to change, you lose weight, your muscles become more defined, you have more confidence – and overall life is just sooo much better.
So, the secret to improving your confidence and happiness is by getting yourself into an exercise routine. If you have the dedication and knowhow then you could simply do a workout in the comfort of your lounge room whilst bubba sleeps. If this sounds like you check out our 7 minute workout. This is great if you have the willpower and the drive to push yourself. Unfortunately most of us don’t.
So group exercise with other mums is an affordable option, which takes the thinking out of exercise, and forces you to push yourself a little bit harder than you would on your own. There are plenty of mums fitness groups in the Eastern Suburbs, and my suggestion would be to do your research and do a trial class.
warm-up banter with the crew down at Fit Mamma - Bellevue Hill.
From my experience mums come to our classes as much for the exercise as they do to unwind, chat, and have fun. Sometimes there is more chat than exercise, which is when I have to pull them back into line. ;) Most of the mums fitness groups in the Eastern Suburbs will have a nanny to look after your little one. This is in my opinion, one of the most important value adds of the service – as it gives mums the chance to mentally escape for an hour… which is so incredibly valuable when you’re on 24-7.
Fitness groups for mums are no different to mothers group around the Eastern suburbs. You meet at a specific time, on a specific date, with other mums. You laugh, you chat about whatever’s on your mind, the high’s and lows of motherhood. You build lifelong relationships with mums from around your area. What you don’t get at mothers group is the exercise and nanny service!
So improve mental state, happiness, focus, confidence, energy levels. Give yourself some personal time to unwind, have some fun with like-minded mammas, and build long lasting friendships.
Now you might be thinking this blog is a ploy to get you down to my Fit Mamma classes, but the truth is, there hasn’t been a single mum who has joined us and not felt better for it. Sure, if you want to get involved with us, you are more than welcome, but there are many others out there just like Fit Mamma – so do your homework and find a group that’s convenient for you.
If you would like to come and try us, free of charge, simply email us info@fitmamma.com.au