We have a maximum of 5 bubs per nanny, however, it usually works out to be 1 nanny / 4 bubs or less. We usually have 2-3 nannies on at each shift. We do not fall under the same requirements as a childcare centre, but choose to have this ratio as a minimum to ensure the safety of your bub.

what experience do your nannies have?

Our nannies come fully qualified and experienced (not uni students looking for some extra $$ unless they are fully qualified). At the very least they must have their Working With Children Check, current first aid, and 4 + months experience working with newborns and beyond. Some of our nannies have backgrounds in nursing, midwifery, and childcare. Your bubs are in excellent hands. 

WHat happens if my baby is not settling in the creche?

Our nannies will do their absolute best to comfort and care for your bub whilst we exercise. If for any reason they feel that they need their mamma, they will come and grab you. In our experience this happens less than 5% of the time. 

Where is the creche and where do we train?

One of the biggest points of difference at Fit Mamma (to other mums and bubs classes) is that we provide:

1) an indoor creche space, safe from the elements, where your bub is happy, comfortable, and safe.

2) a training space close by where you are separated from your bub. You can't see or hear them, and vice versa. This is an important part of what we do - giving you time to yourself, to focus on YOU.

How much are your classes?

Our classes vary from $23-$30 per class. This depends on the pack that suits you. First thing’s first, complete our pre-screening questionnaire, we will be in touch and get you in for your free trial. It's important to ensure that Fit Mamma is the right fit for both you and your little bubs before you commit.

what is my commitment?

At a minimum, we ask for 4 weeks commitment, anything less and what's the point? Depending on the package you choose you are on a month to month package or save extra and choose our 12-week package. We are pretty flexible, so if you're away, we will simply put your account on hold.

What if i can't make my booked session?

We understand that motherhood throws you curve balls daily. We would like to be as flexible and accommodating as possible, but please remmeber we are running a small business with nanny and crèche costs. 24-hour cancellation policy is therefore in place.